Maintenance Technician
Brandy began working with computers as a teenager. She began working in the IT field as a technical support technician for end users of Dell laptops in 2000. She came on board with Daily Data in January of 2015, and has progressed rapidly in her training.
When she left her position working as a customer support technician for Dell laptops, she took her skills with her to a major publishing company and spent the next five years providing assistance with beta testing of in-house software, technical training, and desktop user support including updating and upgrading systems, installing and updating virus software, and answering basic user questions.
During that time, she also pursued training in graphic design as well as game art and design from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Later, she received an Associates of Science in Elementary Education. In 2011, she and her husband started their own company – Creative Technology Services – which they still operate today. She accepted the technician position at Daily Data in order to hone her technical skills and expand her knowledge base.