
Daily Data has been around for over 20 years, and our staffers bring a wide variety of experience to the table in every aspect of our offerings.


Founder & CEO


Senior Tech














About Daily Data

Daily Data has helped thousands of people in a variety of industries get IT done for their small businesses since 1993. Across the DFW metroplex, we’re recognized for our great customer service, Linux expertise, and ability to create solutions that fit our clients’ unique needs.

Our Philosophy

Daily Data’s philosophy is simple. We are your IT Department. We work for you, the same as if we were your employee receiving a monthly paycheck. Our job is to ensure your computer needs are met in the most cost effect manner for your business.

As your IT department, there are tasks where we may not be the best solution. In that case, our job is to location the best solution, then monitor its implementation to ensure it meets your requirements. Our task is to find the best solution for all your computer needs.

We do not, and will never, take ownership of your systems. So called “vendor lock-in”, where a company places you in a position making it difficult or impossible to change to another vendor, is against everything we stand for. If, at any time, you decide a different solution for your needs is better, we will assist in any way we can. In our decades of existence, there have been a few cases of this, and we pride ourselves in working as hard to help in that move as we did when the client originally came to us.

Our current clients always have priority. If we offer a new product, existing clients receive the offer first. If our costs are reduced enough we can offer our services at a lower price, existing clients gain the benefit before we advertise it to others. If you are using one of our services, and we offer another which matches your requirements better, we offer to move you, especially if it results in lower cost to you.

And we never insist on long term contracts. All services are offered on a month-to-month basis, and can be discontinued at any time. While we do offer discounts for existing clients who prefer to pay on an annual basis (reducing our paperwork), it is never a requirement.