About Us

About Us

Daily Data was founded in 1993 in the Lakewood area of East Dallas (Texas) by Rod and Connie. We incorporated in 1994.

Originally, we catered to our expertise by providing custom programming, Windows/Netware integration, and document preparation.

Soon after Loren came on board (1994), we added Linux services, phasing out document preparation, focusing instead on programming and technical services.

In the early 2000’s, we begain phasing out the custom programming, focusing on providing “IT Services” for small businesses, altering our offerings based the changing needs of our clients. Cait came on board during this period, bringing her ability to bridge the gap between highly technical personnel and clients who were more interested in just “getting the job done.”

As remote work using Windows Servers became feasible for small businesses in the 2010’s, we added Remote Office using a mixture of Microsoft, Linux and Unix servers. Our leased colocation presence allowed us to offer highly available access to our clients who needed that, allowing them to continue operatings through disasters, natural and man made.

Daily Data has stayed small and flexible, with a core team able to provide most of the services needed by growing small businesses and providing the more esoteric service through our external vendors.